“10 Things To Do Before You Die” – Online – Thursday, August 15, 2024 (2 pm – 3:30 pm central time)



This is available for 1.5 CEUs through the Continuing Education Institute of Illinois. I’d also welcome caregivers, patients, and curious participants. Please join us! Each session also includes an “Ask a Doula” Q&A at the end where I’ll answer all your questions.

Description: As an experienced death doula, I will provide information about practical, emotional, and spiritual to-do items before you die. We will examine how to reduce regrets and guilt through concrete actions and how people can get started now – before a diagnosis.

Upon completion of this program, you will:

∙ Understand practical, emotional, and spiritual to-do items and how doing them ensures a better death someday and a better life right now.

∙ Recognize the importance of advance care directives, post-death arrangements, and talking about these plans with loved ones.

∙ Identify the 5 essential statements that reduce emotional suffering at the end of life.

∙ Understand the importance of getting rid of all kinds of clutter, including psychological clutter.

∙ Recognize how death doulas, professional organizers, and elder-care attorneys can support people with some of these items, both before and during the end of life.

The link will be sent to you before the session begins.


This is available for 1.5 CEUs through the Continuing Education Institute of Illinois. I’d also welcome caregivers, patients, and curious participants. Please join us! Each session also includes an “Ask a Doula” Q&A at the end where I’ll answer all your questions.


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