“How Psychedelics Reduce Death Anxiety: And Other T(r)ips” – Online – Thursday, June 27, 2024 (2 pm – 3:30 pm central time)



This is available for 1.5 CEUs through the Continuing Education Institute of Illinois. I’d also welcome caregivers, patients, and curious participants. Please join us! Each session also includes an “Ask a Doula” Q&A at the end where I’ll answer all your questions.

Description: Do you want to be less afraid of death? I’ll show you how psychedelics help people reduce fears and anxiety over death in many different ways. We will discuss several types of psychedelics and plant medicine, what the studies show, and other ways to reduce emotional and spiritual suffering at the end of life.

Upon completion of this program, you will:

∙ Understand the three main categories of end-of-life anxiety.

∙ Identify how spiritual suffering differs from emotional and physical suffering.

∙ Recognize the ways to reduce those fears that do and do not include psychedelics/plant medicine.

∙ Identify the studies that show conclusively that psychedelics reduce end-of-life fears and anxiety.

∙ Recognize the ways that access to psychedelics is changing, as they become rescheduled and decriminalized throughout the country, and how death doulas, therapists, and others can support clients to address their fears and reduce them with this powerful medicine.

The link will be sent out before the session begins.


The link will be sent out before the session begins. This is available for 1.5 CEUs through the Continuing Education Institute of Illinois. I’d also welcome caregivers, patients, and curious participants. Please join us! Each session also includes an “Ask a Doula” Q&A at the end where I’ll answer all your questions.


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